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《樓梯》是收藏於《WORDS & THE WORLD詞與世界》盒裝叢書裡,此叢書由二十本袖珍版詩選組成,分別收錄來自二十位國際著名詩人的精選作品辦公收納。
田原 Tian Yuan
Tian Yuan (China/Japan) was born in 1965 in Henan Province, China, Tian Yuan first came to Japan as a government-financed student early in the 1990's. In 2003, he received a Doctorate in Literature for his study of the poetry of Shuntaro Tanikawa. He now teaches in Tohoku University in Japan, and is chiefly engaged in the translation of contemporary Japanese poetry. His books of translation into Chinese so far include Selected Poems of Shuntaro Tanikawa (2 volumes) and An Alien: Selected Poems of Takashi Tsujii. He has also translated some poems of Ryuichi Tamura and Katsuei Kitazono. He has published six volumes of his own poetry in Chinese and English. He has been awarded literary prizes for poetry in China, America and Taiwan, and in 2001, he was awarded the first Japanese Literary Award for Foreign Students. His book of poetry in Japanese And So the Shore Was Born (Soshite Kishi ga Tanjoshita) was published in 2004. He is the editor of the 3 volumes of The Selected Poems of Shuntaro Tanikawa (Shueisha, 2005). The second poetry anthology of The Memory of Stone was awarded the 60th session of H-shi Prize (2010). He also edited the Japanese version of The Anthology of Chinese New Generation Poets translated by Shin Takeuchi. Last year, Selected Poems of Tian Yuan (Renmin Wenxue, 2007) was published in Chinese.
田原,詩人、文學博士。1965年生於河南漯河,90年代初赴日留學,現在日本國立東北大學任教。先後出版過《田原詩選》(人民文學出版社2007年)等五本詩集。在台灣、中國國內和美國獲得過華文詩歌文學獎。2001年用日語創作的三首現代詩獲日本第一屆「留學生文學獎」。在日本出版有日語詩集《岸的誕生》(思潮社2004年)和《石頭的記憶》(思潮社2009年),後者獲日本2010年度第60屆「H氏詩歌大獎」。主編有日文版《谷川俊太郎詩選集》(集英社文庫版三卷2005年)。在國內、新加坡、香港翻譯出版有《谷川俊太郎詩選》(河北教育出版社2004年)、《異邦人--□井喬詩選》(人民文學出版社2005年)、《春的臨終---谷川俊太郎詩選》(香港牛津大學出版社2010年)。發表有中、短篇小說和大量的日語論文。編選有兩冊日文版《中國新生代詩人詩選》(竹內新 譯、詩學社2004年)等。出版有文論集《谷川俊太郎論》(岩波書店2010年)等。
- 作者: 田原
- 原文作者:Tian Yuan
- 出版社:香港中文大學
- 出版日期:2011/11/01
- 語言:繁體中文
: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/mmq4i900/products/001052998067A1FBEF8A33E0CD